At the heart of a project

Created in 2009, the regional programme Je t’aime mon cœur (I love you, my heart) fights against the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Thanks to this programme, people who have been previously identified by their GP can benefit, free of charge and according to their needs, from dietary monitoring, psychological support, smoking sessions and adapted physical activities. Since its launch, nearly 4,000 people have been accompanied by a team of paramedical professionals.

Déclic Communication has accompanied the programme since its inception. Our team gathered its skills to create a real identity for Je t’aime mon cœur and to develop an efficient multi-channel and multi-target strategy. Logotype, corporate identity, campaign visuals, commercial documents, posters, 4-page leaflets, booklets, goodies, website, Facebook advertising… A real global work provided by our agency to make the programme known and valued.



A visual identity with heart

A visual identity requires careful thought beforehand. An initial creativity session, in collaboration with our client, enabled us to define the targets, the professions and the values that the association embodies. This was followed by a creative phase, during which our graphic designers thought about the colours and shapes that best symbolise the essence of the programme. They explored several avenues to open up the field of possibilities. The logo was then refined through discussions with the association.

The heart, the symbolic image chosen, is a visual transposition of the Association’s work: the protection of your heart. It also symbolises the kindness and support of all the health professionals involved in the programme.

Initially pink, the colour of the logo evolved, a few years later, to blue. This colour reinforces the values of trust and serenity advocated by the programme.

Adapting to different targets

Cardiovascular problems can affect anyone. The programme is therefore aimed at a wide audience. A reflection was carried out in order to develop an effective multi-target strategy.

Four faces, two women and two men, of all ages, embody the programme. By using this campaign visual, the reader can easily identify with the person who looks like him or her.

The communication must be aimed at patients, non patients and health professionals alike. Our team has designed numerous communication media, prints, digital and goodies to reach all Je t’aime mon cœur targets.

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